Requirements Overview

Overview of the Signer Dashboard early requirements


The sBTC Signer Dashboard and sBTC Signer Management Tools are two distinct but related products originally specified in Stacks Foundation Bounty applications and then evolving in sBTC specs.

The Signer Management Tools is not the concern here but definitions and specifications can be found in the following;

The Signer Dashboard, distinct from the singer management tools, is the concern here. The remainder of this document summarises the requirements.

Signer Dashboard Requirements

At a high level the sBTC Signer Dashboard provides a health check of the sBTC protocol and presents signers with information they need to fulfil any responsibilities by displaying signer history, voting info and transaction histories.

Requirements for the Dashboard are captured in the following (and maybe others)

Some features will be duplicated in other systems in order to present contextualised information. This is encouraged and supported by the sBTC Signer Dashboard through its modular structure. See Appendix A on Signer Dashboard design for more details.

High Level Requirements

Distilling information from these documents provides a core list of initial requirements;

  1. Signer List and Details:

    • The Signer Dashboard shall display a list of all signers in the network, including their voting power and public key.

  2. Signer Transaction Analytics:

    • The dashboard shall provide analytics related to the signers' activities, including the number of transactions signed and a history of past transactions signed.

  3. General transaction histories

    • Transaction histories for deposits and withdrawals

    • Ability to filter, page and sort transactions

    • Ability to drill into transactions

  4. Signer transaction histories

    • Number of transaction signed

    • History of past transactions

  5. High level stats including;

    • Total value locked

    • Number of unique addresses

    • Number / keys of pool operators

  6. sBTC meta data

    • Information on the sBTC/PoX life cycle

    • Number of pending deposits

    • Number of pending withdrawals

  7. Signer reputation

    • Ability for signer to link their keys to DNS domains (via Web DiD specification)

Appendix A: Signer Dashboard Design

The sBTC Signer Dashboard supports other applications via modular design. The application is composed from;

  1. A public API

  2. The Signer Dashboard UI

  3. A public NPM Module

The API can be used to build other web applications emphasising different contexts. The npm module provide several helper functions such as; building and parsing deposit and withdrawal payloads, build commitment, reclaim and reveal (for testing only) transactions.

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