Nakamoto SIP Community Vote
Time line for updating the Stacks Ecosystem DAO
Ecosystem DAO was used for the SIP 2.1 vote in December 22. The work required to bring it back on line ready for Nakamoto SIP voting is detailed here.
There are three voting mechanism (explained in sip-015). Voting for solo stacks, for pool stackers and for non-stackers.
Work will upgrade the current application.
Phase 1: App development
Update svelte ui framework [2 days]
Update css to tailwind [3 days]
New designs on the sBTC Bridge project to keep costs down [2 days]
Integrate voting for solo / pooled stackers see [3 days]
simplify the api back end of the DAO [2 days]
deploy new contracts [0.5 days] (no contract development is anticipated)
Phase 2: Content and testing
Deploy contracts [0.5 days]
Update homepage / about content [2 days]
Setup the DAO e.g. for the start / duration of voting in test scenarios [2.5 days]
Phase 2 total: 5.5 days
Phase 3: Mainnet release
Deploy contracts [1 days]
Finalise content [2 days]
Support and maintenance [4 days]
Phase 4: Counting votes
Counting votes (all three methods) [4 days]
Display / reporting totals [2 days]
App development
Content and testing
Mainnet release
Counting votes
Vote Counting
Voting Addresses
The bitcoin yes/no addresses are derived following sip-015
The stacks voting addresses for pooled stackers are similarly;
where the hex strings are encodings of;
Solo Stackers
Read yes / no transactions from mempool sent during the voting period
For each reward cycle in voting period
read the number of pox addresses - get-num-reward-set-pox-addresses
iterate over get-reward-set-pox-address
convert hashbytes/version to address or compare with script pub key in the transaction? (most reliable way?)
remove entries where the stacks address is a pool operator - read delegate-stacks-stx and note the tx-sender.
For each yes/no vote;
check the address belongs to solo stacker
sum the amount stacked (using the earliest entry [1])
[1] if they were stacking in multiple cycles, during voting period, use the greater amount of stx stacked.
Pool Stackers
Read yes / no transactions from stacks node sent during the voting period
Read their locked balance during the reward cycles within the voting period
sum the maximum locked per stacker.
Last updated