sBTC Bridge on Regtest

Run the bridge and dashboard purely on localhost

The project has the following components (the first is in separate repo the other three are subpaths in a mono repo);

and dependencies on ;

Step 1: Run all services

Run clarinet integrate;

cd stacks-sbtc/sbtc-mini
clarinet integrate

Bitcoin regtest (see appendix A for example config)

/Applications/ -regtest -datadir=${home}/Library/Application\ Support/Bitcoin -conf=${home}/Library/Application\ Support/Bitcoin/regtest/bitcoin.conf

Run bridge and signer dashboard web apps

cd sbtc-bridge-web
npm i // node -v 18.xx
npm run sim
# starts on port 8080

cd sbtc-bridge-api/sbtc-signer-web
npm i // node -v 18.xx
npm run sim
# starts on port 8081

Run bridge and signer dashboard api apps;

cd sbtc-bridge-api/sbtc-bridge-api
npm i // node -v 19.xx
npm run sim
# starts on port 3010

cd sbtc-bridge-api/sbtc-signer-api
npm i // node -v 19.xx
npm run sim
# starts on port 4010

Step 2: Bootstrap the sBTC Mini Contracts

Add the localhost:3999 network to Hiro wallet

Connect the signer dashboard (localhost:8081) to the deployer account (sbtc-mini/settings/Devnet.toml)

Click the upgrade button and check the transaction confirms;

The Signer Dashboard has a button for this;

Step 3: Create and fund a regtest descriptor wallet

See Appendix A for examples and config files. Summary of the steps;

  • Run bitcoin on regtest on a different network to clarinets bitcoind.

  • Connect this node to clarinets network

  • Create a descriptor wallet

  • Generate the descriptor keys

  • Generate receiving addresses

For funding the addresses see Appendix B. Check Clarinet sees the newly mined blocks.

Appendix A: Run Bitcoin regtest and create descriptor wallet

We need a regtest bitcoin core wallet that connects to the bitcoind running via clarinet integrate. The following config file acheive this;

  • Note 1: the ports are different from the clarinet network

  • Note 2: connect allows this node to connect to the pre-existing bitcoin network

  • addressType allows us to make taproot, bech32m addresses and public keys.

Curl the node and check you have the same block height reported by clarinet.

curl --user "devnet:devnet" --data-binary '{"jsonrpc": "1.0", "id": "curltest", "method": "getblockchaininfo", "params": []}' -H "Content-Type: application/json"

Generate keys in order to create receiving addresses;

These two links are involved but extremely helpful

Step 1) create a wallet

curl --user "devnet:devnet" --data-binary '{"jsonrpc": "1.0", "id": "curltest", "method": "createwallet", "params": ["SBTC-0001", false, true, "devnet", false, true, true, false]}' -H "Content-Type: application/json"

Step 2) Genrate keys

your_mnemonic: now jewel fault pottery tag pond uphold night undo owner split stone
getdescriptorinfo "tr(tprv8ZgxMBicQKsPecRC2CKvGZtyJpUENvhhvgWHkoVSc4ye16qadK41vFggnqY7CVLSNZCYV1PhAZwSA8EeB3zaZhqwQUnaFoy84SuzY7XyXwR/86'/1'/0'/0/*)"
importdescriptors "[{\"desc\":\"tr(tprv8ZgxMBicQKsPecRC2CKvGZtyJpUENvhhvgWHkoVSc4ye16qadK41vFggnqY7CVLSNZCYV1PhAZwSA8EeB3zaZhqwQUnaFoy84SuzY7XyXwR/86'/1'/0'/0/*)#u99f0ylg\",\"active\":true,\"timestamp\":\"now\",\"range\":[0,1000],\"next_index\":1}]"

Note - may need to enter wallet passphrase.. if so 
curl --user "devnet:devnet" --data-binary '{"jsonrpc": "1.0", "id": "curltest", "method": "walletpassphrase", "params": ["devnet", 600]}' -H "Content-Type: application/json"

For example...

getdescriptorinfo "tr(tprv8ZgxMBicQKsPeqgfUANbfhXW4WLMNypKN1GRv2TPzeGgFW85Qe6NugYvxrEz8WtciakfmTeRGPffAVeAQEFKdB6x58cUHZZuovjiDQ13Vop/86'/1'/0'/0/*)"
  "descriptor": "tr(tpubD6NzVbkrYhZ4YJiTMp3C57BcdXrHYK1DwJsDCYVhQv555zNr32uy6BAo922tssmqbSBprzsQQLNPvoXpX4NgrooM96vDFEgUJodDunobrGN/86'/1'/0'/0/*)#mz68h98s",
  "checksum": "jrn37904",
  "isrange": true,
  "issolvable": true,
  "hasprivatekeys": true
importdescriptors "[{\"desc\":\"tr(tprv8ZgxMBicQKsPeqgfUANbfhXW4WLMNypKN1GRv2TPzeGgFW85Qe6NugYvxrEz8WtciakfmTeRGPffAVeAQEFKdB6x58cUHZZuovjiDQ13Vop/86'/1'/0'/0/*)#jrn37904\",\"active\":true,\"timestamp\":\"now\",\"range\":[0,1000],\"next_index\":1}]"
    "success": true

Change addresses - require import descriptors with

  • internal: true

  • next_index: 1001

importdescriptors "[{\"internal\":true,\"desc\":\"tr(tprv8ZgxMBicQKsPeqgfUANbfhXW4WLMNypKN1GRv2TPzeGgFW85Qe6NugYvxrEz8WtciakfmTeRGPffAVeAQEFKdB6x58cUHZZuovjiDQ13Vop/86'/1'/0'/0/*)#jrn37904\",\"active\":true,\"timestamp\":\"now\",\"range\":[0,2000],\"next_index\":1001}]"
    "success": true

Step 3)

Generate addresses - use the console, curl, or..

bitcoin-cli -regtest -rpcwallet=SBTC-0001 -rpcport=18446 -rpcuser=devnet -rpcpassword=devnet getnewaddress

Appendix B: Mine Regtest Bitcoin

Perform actions in appendix A and then generate a new address.

Create two wallets, one for a user, say Alice and one for the peg wallet.

> getnewaddress bech32m

then mine some bitcoin to this address using the cli.

bitcoin-cli -regtest -rpcuser=devnet -rpcpassword=devnet -rpcport=18446 generatetoaddress 100 bcrt1pchhfwmj342k49wrv0z2gflls4qvy9fwnhx8try7lpamu5frw7hescesplf

bitcoin-cli -regtest -rpcuser=devnet -rpcpassword=devnet -rpcport=18446 generate 50

Appendix C: Alias for running bitcoin regtest on mac

alias bitcoin-regtest
/Applications/ -regtest -datadir=${home}/Library/Application\ Support/Bitcoin -conf=${home}/Library/Application\ Support/Bitcoin/regtest/bitcoin.conf

Last updated